No[o]ne, Topson, Ceb, Aramis, Kitrak joined PuckChamp
Four former Old G players have joined PuckChamp on the official DPC website.
Earlier, the Old G team was eliminated from Division II of Western Europe, and by the decision of the tournament organizer PGL, they also lost their place in the closed qualifiers and had to play in the open qualifiers.
As a result, Old G players left the team on the roster registration page and joined PuckChamp. No[o]ne, Topson, Ceb and Kitrak were joined by Aramis. The offlaner was a replacement for Resolut1on, but the exact reason for the change is not public.
This means that the backbone of Old G will continue to play in the II Division of DPC Western Europe under the name of PuckChamp. Whether the players are planning to re-name is unknown.